Sensible Thoughts: Creating Bat Speed, Bat Path and Quickness

Sensible Thoughts

Rotational swings based on the scientifically backed kinetic chain principle are the most effective and efficient swings in the game. The KCP says that momentum is transferred from proximal to distal muscle groups (legs, glutes, core, shoulders, arms, hands) to the bat. This transfer occurs in order from largest to smallest and only occurs when the preceding link in the chain has reached its highest rotational velocity.

Ralph Dickenson

40+ years of coaching experience dealing with hitting ideas from Charley Lau, Walt Hriniak, Ted Williams to science backed lower half driven sequential swings as demonstrated by the best hitters in the game past and present. I have coached at levels from American Legion to MLB and currently work as a hitting instructor for the Houston Astros.

Hitting Intentions


Sensible Thoughts: Creating Bat Speed, Bat Path and Quickness